How long do Corn Snake eggs take to hatch? It all depends on the temperature they are incubated at, and how stable the temperature is…
Last updated on February 1st, 2023 at 09:23 am
Corn Snake eggs can be successfully incubated at temperatures between 78 and 84F (25 and 29C). The higher the temperature, the faster they hatch. Eggs incubated at 78F (25C) could take as long as 70 days to pip (pierce the eggs), whereas those incubated at 84F (29C) may take as little as 58 days.
One thing it’s important to remember is that temperature stability plays a role too. If you use a really stable incubator for Corn Snake eggs, they’ll hatch faster than if you leave them in a place that is warm, but where the temperature fluctuates.
Now we’ve answered the main question, let’s take a look at why your eggs might not be hatching, how long a Corn Snake takes to lay eggs, and every other question I’ve been able to think of!
Corn snake eggs not hatching?
As far as eggs go, colubrids like Corn Snakes lay some of the easiest ones to incubate. Put them in a humid tub and place it somewhere that stays at 78F or above and they hatch! It’s literally that easy.
Nonetheless, things can wrong, especially if you don’t montior them carefully. Corn Snakes might be easy to hatch but only within reason. For example, if you leave them somewhere nice and warm, but don’t check the temperature with a digital thermometer you could be in for trouble.
Sometimes what feels warm to us is unaccceptably hot for a snake embryo. 100F would feel “warm” to the touch, but could quite easily kill most snake eggs. What I’m trying to say is first and foremost – make sure you know exactly what temperature your eggs are incubated at!
There could be several other reasons corn snake eggs are not hatching. Some common causes include:
- Incorrect humidity levels during incubation. You should aim for 80%+.
- Infertile eggs
- Poor nutrition of the parents before mating
- Genetic defects in the eggs or hatchlings
- Turning or handling of the eggs during incubation
At this point it’s important to note that it’s not necessarily a bad thing if your eggs are taking a long time to hatch. If it’s been over 60 days and the eggs still look healthy, just hang in there! They will be hatching soon.
How long does a corn snake take to lay eggs?
Corn snakes typically lay their eggs around 60–75 days after mating. This period can vary depending on the individual snake and the conditions in which it is kept.
The snake’s overall health, humidity levels, and temperature can all impact when the eggs are laid. Within 60 to 75 days after the eggs are placed, they will normally hatch, though this can vary depending on the incubation circumstances.
How many eggs do corn snakes lay?
Corn snakes typically lay between 6 and 18 eggs per clutch, averaging 8–12 eggs. However, the number of eggs laid can vary depending on the female snake’s size, health, and living conditions.
Larger and healthier females lay more eggs per clutch than smaller or less healthy snakes. Also, wild corn snakes may lay fewer eggs than captive ones.
What temperature do I incubate corn snake eggs?
The ideal temperature range for incubating corn snake eggs is between 78–84°F. It is important to maintain a consistent temperature within this range throughout the incubation period to ensure the proper development of the eggs.
Incubating at a too-high or low temperature can cause malformations or failure to hatch the eggs. Additionally, the eggs should NEVER be turned during the incubation period. Unlike bird eggs, reptile eggs often die if turned over.
Furthermore, it is critical to remember that the eggs require a specified range of humidity, ideally between 80 and 90% throughout incubation.
When do corn snakes lay eggs?
Corn snakes lay their eggs in the late spring or early summer, typically from May to June. However, this can vary depending on the geographic location and the specific conditions in which they are kept.
In captivity, corn snakes may lay eggs at any time of the year if suitable. In the wild, the timing of egg laying is often triggered by environmental cues such as temperature and daylight hours.
Something I really enjoyed as a kid was looking for snakes in August or September because of this timing. Most Corn Snakes and Milk Snakes had laid eggs two months prior and in late summer you could easily find the freshly-hatched babies wandering around at night.
How long do corn snakes hold eggs?
Corn snakes typically hold their eggs for about 2 months before laying them. This is the period between when the eggs are fertilized and when they are laid.
During this time, the eggs are developing inside the female’s body, and the female snake will typically not eat or move around much to conserve energy for the developing eggs.
It’s also possible for females to retain eggs if the conditions aren’t right for laying them or if they don’t have a suitable place to deposit them. This is called egg retention or egg binding, and it may require medical attention.
How to tell if corn snake eggs are fertile?
Infertile Corn Snake eggs (called “slugs”) are smaller or slimmer than fertile ones, but also differ in appearance. They may be ivory to yellow or even greenish, rather than the nice, clean white they should be. Often, they also have a rubbery texture.
There are several ways to determine if corn snake eggs are fertile:
Candling: This involves holding a bright light behind the egg to see if there is any development inside. Fertile eggs will have a visible embryo inside and a network of veins.
Incubation: Eggs can be incubated, if they are fertile, they will develop and hatch after the appropriate time. Yes, it sounds obvious but it’s certainly true.
Few signs that may show that the eggs are fertile:
- The eggs will be larger and heavier than infertile eggs.
- The eggs will have a more rounded shape than infertile eggs, which tend to be more elongated.
- Their shells feel soft and dry, not wet and waxy
Do snakes stay with their eggs until they hatch?
Some snakes do care for their eggs. Pythons wrap around their eggs and protect them throughout incubation, whereas King Cobras actually build a nest out of rotting vegetation for theirs.
This isn’t the case with Corn Snakes, though. After laying the eggs, corn snakes will typically abandon them and have no further involvement in the hatching process.
It is the responsibility of the person who is incubating the eggs to ensure they are kept at the proper temperature and humidity to promote proper development.
Do corn snakes lay unfertilized eggs?
Yes, corn snakes can lay unfertilized eggs, also known as “slugs”. These eggs do not contain a developing embryo and will not hatch.
The females can lay unfertilized eggs for several reasons, such as lack of a mate, low-quality sperm, or poor nutrition.
These eggs should be removed from the incubator as they can cause mold and bacteria growth, which can affect the rest of the eggs.
Does one baby snake mean more?
A single baby corn snake can be hatched, but it is more common for corn snakes to lay several eggs and hatch multiple babies. The number of eggs laid per clutch can vary, but corn snakes typically lay between 6 and 18 eggs, with an average of 8–12 eggs per clutch.
However, it’s not uncommon for some eggs to be infertile and not hatch so that a single baby can hatch from a clutch. Additionally, some eggs may be accidentally damaged or killed during incubation, resulting in only one baby hatching.
How long do snakes take to lay eggs?
Corn snakes typically lay their eggs around two months after mating. This period can vary depending on the individual snake and the conditions in which it is kept.
Factors such as temperature, humidity, and the snake’s overall health can all affect egg-laying timing. Abundance of food is probably the main thing that affects the mother snake’s health.
Is she doesn’t get enough food then developing follicles and ultimately eggs will take much longer. Some snakes will actually skip a year if it looks like it’s going to be a bad season.
Corn snake eggs for sale
Corn snakes can be found for sale from various sources such as reptile breeders, pet stores, online classifieds, and reptile marketplaces. It’s important to buy them from a trustworthy breeder or seller that can give information on the parents’ genetics, health, and husbandry.
Additionally, be aware of regulations regarding the sale and ownership of exotic animals, as corn snakes may be subject to restrictions.
Generally speaking, you can’t find Corn Snake eggs for sale – just young snakes that have already hatched. This isn’t a bad thing though.
If you buy eggs from someone else, there is high chance of damage them during transport, no matter how careful you are. All-in-all, it’s safer to buy a nice, healthy hatchling that’s already ready to go.
If you really want Corn Snake eggs, I suggest raising a pair of Corn Snakes to adulthood. You’ll either decide you love the species and want to breed them, or that just having a couple as pets is enough.
FAQ relating to how long corn snake eggs take to hatch
What is the best way to tell if a snake egg is fertile?
The best way to identify if a snake egg is fertile is by candling. The process involves shining a bright light through the eggshell to examine the contents and look for signs of development. Just remember not to turn the egg upside-down as this could harm the embryo – always keep its orientation exactly the same.
What do unfertilized snake eggs look like?
Infertile snake eggs, also known as “slugs” or “dummies,” will typically appear differently than fertilized eggs.
- They are usually smaller, flatter, and have a different texture than fertilized eggs.
- They will also not have any visible signs of development inside and will not have veins.
- Unfertilized eggs are often translucent or opaque and may have a duller color than fertilized eggs.
- They may also have a different shape, elongation, or a sharper point at one end.
It’s important to note that, even if you candle the egg, it can be hard to tell between a fertilized egg and an unfertilized one. It is best to wait until the eggs have been incubated for a few weeks, so you can see if there is any development inside the eggs.
What month do snake eggs hatch?
Corn snakes mate in April-June and about one to two months later, the female will lay about 10–15 eggs in one clutch. Female snakes tend to lay them in stumps, logs, or burrows that are warm and humid. The young snakes hatch two to three months later. In most parts of their range, you’ll notice baby Corn Snakes out and about by late August.